Espresso Parts HQ 14g Ridgeless Double Portafilter Basket
This 14 gram portafilter basket, while not an original OEM part, is quite popular amongst those who have realized it's benefits. Compatible with most "standard" sized commercial espresso machine portafilters, it will accept a 58 mm or smaller tamper base (measures 58.5 inside diameter at about the middle).
This actually is a higher quality reproduction of the infamous double basket without a retaining ridge. So what's the big deal with this basket size and shape? Why is it without a retaining ridge and why is it so popular?
A handful of years ago, a little mistake was made at the original manufacturer and the ridge was not stamped into the basket. Turns out that this was one of those happy accidents of advantageous mistakes that has been beneficial to those who enjoy making perfect espresso. The lack of a retaining ridge allows the use of a 58mm hand tamp and the the pattern and hole aperture of the basket proves to be beneficial to espresso preparation. Perfect for commercial use or with prosumer machines. Hold it up to the light and witness the glory or the perfectly formed holes with zero blockage left behind from misshapen or unpunched holes.
The final process used in the creation of the baskets may be the most important. Not only does it leave a distinct sunburst pattern, the inside bottom of the baskets receive a final cleaning using a laser to remove any jagged edges from the perforation process. The result is that every hole in the basket is clear of metal debris and the holes are of even size and shape, allowing for a more even distribution of water through the extraction.