Mazzer Electronic Funnel H180 #30 for E Version
This is the tall version of the doserless chute for the Major, Robur and Kony E models. To make the full conversion you will also need the appropriate backing plate, screws, washers, gasket, and screen.
You may also want to replace the portafilter support fork - if you are using portafilters with spouts on them you will for sure. Bottomless portafilter users won't have to worry about it, but portafilters with spouts on them will stop short of being centered directly beneath the chute using the existing fork. For Super Jolly, Major users, select this fork. For Kony and Robur users, select this fork.
Your existing Mazzer doser lid will fit perfectly. This version fits the Kony, Major, Robur (Royal) and some models of the Super Jolly.